Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Musculoskeletal Embryology

Musculoskeletal Embryology:

Mesenchyme (embbryonic connective tissue→ fibriblast, chondroblast, osteoblast) give rise to connective tissue, muscle and bone:

1-Paraxial Mesoderm→segnented→ somitomers→
-head ( in association with neuomers)→ head mesenchyme→skull
vault and base of the skull
-Occipital to caudal→ 42 -44 pairs of somites→ -Dermomyotome
- sclerotome→axial skeleton mesenchyme
2-Somatic Mesoderm ( from Lateral Plate Mesoderm)→ mesenchyme for pelvic and shoulder girdle and long bones of limbs

3- Neural Creast in head→ mesenchyme for face and pharyngeal arches→facial bones, muscles, and cartilages

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