Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Normal Lab Values:


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

vitamin sources

Let’s take a look at the vitamins and minerals that will keep your hair looking healthy.

Stimulating hair growth: Calcium, potassium, and magnesium make your hair grow more quickly.

Foods rich in calcium include tofu, nuts, milk and dairy products, fish, sesame seeds and beans.

Wheat germ, whole grains, soybeans, nuts and green vegetables are rich in magnesium.

Peas, fish, whole grain cereals, meat, and eggs are a great source of manganese. Avocados include both magnesium and manganese. Dates, dry fruits, bananas, yogurt, brown rice and potatoes are rich in potassium.

Vitamins that promote hair growth are B5, B6 and B12. Brewer’s yeast, egg yolks, meat and whole grain cereals have high levels of vitamin B5 and B6.

Other sources of vitamin B6 include a variety of vegetables and liver. Fish, milk, eggs and chicken are rich in vitamin B12.

Prevent hair loss: Chromium, iron and iodine help preventing hair loss in both men and women.

Iodized salt, kelp, garlic, fish and seaweed have high levels of iodine. Chromium is found in food items like beef, liver, brewer’s yeast and whole wheat bread.

Iron rich food items include green vegetables, chicken, liver, fish, dried fruits and whole grains.

Preserving hair color: Copper is an essential mineral in preserving hair structure and color.

Food items high in copper include liver, beans, green vegetables, whole grains and mollusks. Biotin and vitamin B5 also help maintain hair color and prevent graying of the hair.

Milk, egg yolks, whole grains, liver and rice are rich in these vitamins.

Healthy Scalp: If you want your scalp to be healthy consume foods rich in vitamins A; C and E. Sources of vitamin A include carrots, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, milk, eggs, cheese, fish oil and peaches.

Sources of vitamin C include oranges, lemons, tomatoes, strawberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, green vegetables and other citrus fruits. Sources of vitamin E include nuts, beans, Soya, raw seeds, wheat germ oil and green vegetables.

Promotes blood circulation: Foods rich in vitamin B3, like chicken, turkey, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ and fish, promote the circulation of the blood and make the hair grow faster.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Corticobulbar Tract

The Corticobulbar Tract
This tract is composed of fibers originating in the precentral gyrus of the lower quarter of the motor cortex. The descending fibers leave the motor cortex and pass through the posterior limb of the internal capsule just anterior and medial to the corticospinal tract fibers. From here they continue on through the cerebral peduncles just medial to the corticospinal tract fibers to terminate in the motor nuclei of cranial nerves III and IV in the midbrain; V, VI. and VII in the pons; and IX, X, XI, and XII in the medulla. The corticobulbar fibers from one side of the brain project to the motor nuclei on both sides of the brainstem (Fig-4).
The corticobulbar fibers (upper motor neurons remember) synapse in cranial nerve motor nuclei of the same (ipsilateral) side, AND cross to the opposite (contralateral) side to synapse on motor nuclei there.
EXECPTIONS: ALL corticobulbar fibers to the motor nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve (XII) cross to the contralateral motor nucleus and, ALL corticobulbar fibers to the lower half of the motor nucleus of the facial nerve (VII) cross to the lower half of the contralateral motor nucleus. bstr431.biostr.washington.edu/syl/lab4/fig402.gif