Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Musculoskeletal Embryology

Musculoskeletal Embryology:

Mesenchyme (embbryonic connective tissue→ fibriblast, chondroblast, osteoblast) give rise to connective tissue, muscle and bone:

1-Paraxial Mesoderm→segnented→ somitomers→
-head ( in association with neuomers)→ head mesenchyme→skull
vault and base of the skull
-Occipital to caudal→ 42 -44 pairs of somites→ -Dermomyotome
- sclerotome→axial skeleton mesenchyme
2-Somatic Mesoderm ( from Lateral Plate Mesoderm)→ mesenchyme for pelvic and shoulder girdle and long bones of limbs

3- Neural Creast in head→ mesenchyme for face and pharyngeal arches→facial bones, muscles, and cartilages

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Head and Neck Anatomy:

A very useful site, with lots of animations.Copyright©1999 by Wesley Norman, PhD, DSc
Please make a comment which site was the best for you.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Rocker-bottom feet : In Edward syndrome

In rocker-bottom feet the bones are arranged in a different way and this makes the underside of the foot convex in the middle: the foot appears to bend in the opposite direction to normal and in so doing it resembles the shape of the bottom of a rocking chair.

(Normally the underside of the human foot is concave in the middle: the bones of the foot are arranged in such a way that there is an arch-like shape in the mid-part of the foot.)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Down syndrom

Brushfild spot in Down syndrom:
Brushfield spots are small white or grayish/brown spots on the periphery of the iris in the human eye due to aggregation of a normal iris element (connective tissue). These spots are normal in children but are also a feature of the chromosomal disorder Down syndrome.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Today is the first day of your future!

Smile as you are still alive!!!!!